Housing, Smart City and Social Politics: The tags of the capital community can take the free form of the market interest paid Finanzhaushalt dominant. In these two parts, one of the 27 Räten – which includes Schöffen – is a Rede vorbereitet.

This is a viewing hole of various points. The “Luxemburger Wort” is displayed at some point and illustrates these themes with different types of Gemeinderatsmitgliedern.

Living construction

A discrepanz at the majority of the opposition and the majority of the political Alltag, which focuses on a number-one theme with the Wohnungsbau. For Maxime Miltgen of the LSAP-gibt, the Wohnungskrise did not begin first: “If the DP remains in Verantwortung for so long, man will never be able to solve the problem created by Himmel. It is a peinlich and an armutszeugnis.“ The main critical power is a party that counts 1,000 inhabitants in the area of ​​​​the city of Luxembourg: “The empire is not for 138,000 inhabitants.”

Social policy is not alms politics.

David Wagner

Dei Lenk

A new impetus for the opposition is von David Wagner. The politics of this loan characterizes the discussion in the following Wohnungsbau: “It is a political vulnerability. Is it possible that you would like to make a financial contribution to these people? My Großeltern has settled in the Luxembourg city, but can no longer die. The city of Luxembourg must have a living environment in self-management.”

In this Kerbe schlägt auch François Benoy (Déi Gréng): “The City of Luxembourg must take care of itself, so that it can be used for housing. This is your own Abteilung.”

The credits on the other bank pages are naturally different. Claude Radoux (DP), another chairman of the Swedish Commission – Finance and Urbanism and Economic Enterprises – compared the opposition with an ideal world: ‘Then 100 people would live in social housing. Man hat den Eindruck, dies like the best loser. So war is harmful in the GDR and in North Korea the system is heute noch.”

The DP politician says about this: “I am not a part of my life, that is my life in one social living. When the party takes place in the Vervangenheit, it is a great experience for people from the Einkommensregionen, a living in the City of Luxembourg with mites. Invest these capital gains and make sure you get them back. If all goes well, the world will be in the business of selling and investing.”


Finanzschöffe Laurent Mosar (CSV) lobbied the meeting on the budget proposals for 2025 of the social policy of the DP-CSV coalition: “The items have increased from 51 to 71 million euros. Energy saving measures will be taken. Finally, the Solidaritätszulage became a 15 Prozent ansteigen.”

“Social policy is not universal politics”: Dieser Satz stems from David Wagner: “Wir since die Hauptstadt. If there are a few things that come with it, he might be confident.“ There is a great service that can use a cleanser in an external way. “It’s no different. These must be integrally incorporated into the City of Luxembourg.”

Smart city

Emilie Costantini (CSV) wrote the Haushaltsbericht under the motto ‘Smart City’. Diesen Ausdruck griff François Benoy in the blessing Rede am Freitag auf. Der Rat von Déi Greng schloss etwa mit diesen ab: „Wir became a smarter partner, with smart Vorschlägen. And with the idea that the Schöffenrat is smart, the switch is made to that Vorschläge.”

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In the blesser Rede another person went on mobility. “Drei Jahre came up with the mobility plan and it is stunning that no concrete action has been found.” In the other cavity, Benoy has taken a critical look at the car-sharing service Carloh, of the Luxembourg city, asking: “Der Schöffenrat hat diesen Dienst vernachlässigt. Carloh is responsible for the changeover of the mobility plans. And Carloh will become more attractive and attractive in the Nutzung.” Benoy fragmented how the Stadt Luxembourg could make a Smart City and come up to the new state of technology. It is a good strategy. If this happens, the Vel’OH-Räder will not perform the tracking and it cannot be performed. Other than the changes in the reception of the normal postal route.

Beim Punkt “smart governance” was not included in the Aperitours des Schöffenrates. Lydie Polfer and Co. hatten in the summer and the season 24 Viertel besucht. Benoy dies of an “Alibiveranstaltung”: “Was it an art of citizen involvement? Ich glaube, dass der Schöffenrat itself does not die white.”

Montag responds to the Schöffenrat on the Aussagen der Räte. The outcome of the Budget 2025 will be exempt from immunity.

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